Tuesday, December 27, 2011

On the other world!


Bila first time aku check blog ni, memang bosan gila nak mati lah..hahahhaa~ sebab tak ramai followers and nobody knows that I have blog until I told Ainur and Shafiqah...memang bosan bagi aku yang tak suka menulis diary ni sebab blog ni dah macam diary la kan kalau kita meluahkan perasaan and nobody yang sure akan baca...sebab maybe satu hari nanti baru aku nak minat blog kot..hahahahaa~ ye lah kan, baru 16 dah ade blog..bak kata kakak aku, "eleh, kau buat ape sampai nak ade blog2 nih? tak penting pon sebab tak de apebende pon yang kau boleh share kat situ"..YUP! I totally agreed with your opinion my sis! but, sometimes blog ni macam buku yang patut kita baca hari2 or kalau yang dah ketagih tu, boleh menangis2 kalau tak bukak setahun...haha~ tengok macam aku, setahun sengah tak bukak boleh je hidup..sape cakap tak de laman sosial boleh hidup?? kalau cakap kalau tak de nyawa ye lah aku percayakau tak leh hidup..huhuu~ for me, semua ni tak penting sebenarnyaa....daripada menghabiskan masa yg ade dengan meng-online sana sini, baik tidur lagi bagus boleh rest kan minda di samping dapat merelex-kan kepala otak ni daripada nak pikir ayat memanjang nak tulis entry..haha!~ well, kalau certain orang faham baguslah kalau certain yang tak paham, sila translate lepas korang dah tidur..well, i'm posting this quite late in the night...so, I WISH YOU A GOOD NIGHT! Jaljayo~ :D

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

~ 어리지 않아! ~

Another tiring day!!

As my new song was got updated (not really) and its meaning A LOT! as the lyrics says "stop treating us like kids,cause we're not anymore you know what i'm saying,we're all grown up, YEAH we all grown up!"
and also at the chorus part it goes "I'm absolutely not that young,i'm no longer a child,i know what is love,don't underestimated me, don't mess up with me." WOW! it really means a lot since i'm not young anymore (pfftt) well, next year i'm already 17 and! it's the stage when everyone get matured and improved a lot from a kids,to a more matured person! :)

-With lots of love-

Monday, December 19, 2011

~ YahOo ~

Ainur Eyqin :

- The first follower and also the first to know that i have blog this time..ahaha! thanks for accompany me in this dark night! huu~ SARAnGhaeYo! <3

~ EveRydaY i'M kpOp-inG! ~


I'm new here! (not so)..well, I apparently not knowing how to handling blogs bla bla bla..because the more I staring at it, the more I get confused to it! HA! soon 2011 will over, and my high school life only a year left! Next year I will be facing "The Greatest Exam Ever Had" in my lifee-h! huuuu~ I really hope somebody will read my blog or just passed by it..


----SEE YOU SOON----